Take your relationship with your horse to places you only dreamed about.
Come ride with me in one of my clinics around the world. Clinics are a great place to acquire tons of knowledge and additional tools to further your relations with your horse no matter what age, education or discipline. All clinics include segments on Equine Psychology, Neuroscience, Anatomy, Physiology and Behaviors. Learn to communicate and be a desired Leader for your horse and watch your relationship grow to something never imagined. I look forward to riding with you in a clinic soon.
4 Day Course
Colt Starting
Colt Starting, as it sounds, incorporates the first touch to the first ride with the untrained horses. Horses can be anywhere in between but this is not the course* for the horses with a few rides already on him/her. This course is designed for those folks who want to start their own colt safely and naturally or would like to expand their knowledge as a professional Colt Starter. Students will learn how to communicate with the horse using Body Language & Energy, the same non-verbal communication that the horses use daily within the herd, ensuring that students are able to provide proper Leadership for their horses and are able to advance Safely & Efficiently during the training process.
* See “Horsemanship I”

2 Day Course
Horsemanship I
Horsemanship I is designed for placing the proper foundation on your horse whether it is the first 30 days of training or re-laying the foundation of a seasoned horse.
This course is perfect for finding and/or fixing the holes in a foundation or even Tuning Up that horse that has sat around for a little too long and developed some bad habits along the way. Novice or Pro will benefit. Come learn to solve your problems with techniques rooted in Horse Psychology and an emphasis on Safety, Safety, Safety.
You will learn how to control your horse’s feet without a fight and communicate in a manner that is natural and makes sense to the horses. Leadership building on the horse’s terms while learning how to have a better seat and ride with confidence using proper balance & a correct pow center of gravity. We will focus on movement and direction of our own body parts as well as our horses body parts including controlling the motor and the brain of the horse just like the Alpha Mare does in the herd. Basic manuevers and foundation work are the core of this course. Excercises will be centered around the walk, trot, canter, lope, turn left, turn right, stop, back-up and riding on trails and arenas while providing Leadership & Safety for you and your horse.
Learning to ride with the horse and not on the horse!
2 Day Course
Horsemanship II
Horsemanship II is designed for those folks who have a minimum of 30 rides on their horses and can safely walk, trot and canter/lope their horses.
We will continue to focus on safety, balanced riding, communication between the horse and rider using the seat, saddle, body and reins. In this course we learn more advanced maneuvers involving the horse’s entire body. Emphasis will be learning to control all body parts of the horse independently and in unison to create an extension of your own body for True Leadership. Exercises for proper canter-departures, flying lead changes, spins, sliding stops, jumping and Dressage will be implemented. This is where you will learn the skills to ready your horse for competitions or just to create a better partnership. Regardless of whether you work on a ranch, ride Dressage, pleasure ride on the weekends, show, compete (English or Western), ride a gaited horse or anything in between this course is for you. Our goal is to achieve such a partnership and communication with our equine partners that we can ride them without a saddle, halter, bridle and reins and have our horses perform the same as if fully tacked up!

2 Day Course
Bombproofing & Trail
Bombproofing Training is designed to create a safe and trusting partnership between you and your horse in any situation, whether it’s the first 30 days of training or re-conditioning a seasoned horse. This course helps your horse handle loud music, applause, flags, banners, and other unexpected stimuli that can cause stress, making it perfect for preparing for competitions or enhancing your riding experience in the field.
In this course, you will learn how to build a relationship with your horse by understanding its way of learning and perception. You’ll master ground work techniques to focus your horse and help it stay calm, practice handling potentially stressful situations at home, and understand the concept of habituation—taming your horse to unusual objects and situations. By using small, patient steps, we help you replace your horse’s fear with curiosity, always considering the capabilities of both you and your horse.
Clinics aim to create a Willing Partnership through Desired Leadership using gentle techniques rooted in equine psychology and herd behaviorism. You’ll learn to ride with your horse, not on it, by understanding and responding to its non-verbal language. This approach builds leadership on the horse’s terms, enhances your riding confidence, and ensures safety for both you and your horse.
Join us in achieving a deeper connection and a more enjoyable riding experience with your horse.